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Saturday, April 08, 2006

CUHK Offer!

Got the following email from CUHK today!


Dear Mr. Yen,

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you are offered admission to Weekend MBA Programme in the academic year of 2006-07.

We will send you the official acceptance pack in due course. If you wish to accept this offer of admission, kindly pay the fees of HKDXXXXX by April 21, 2006. Please also follow the procedures stipulated in the acceptance pack. The Pre-term course is scheduled to begin on Friday, August 11, 2006.


I should have applied HKUST earlier. I still haven't received any interview information from it yet. Because of the CUHK offer, I will turn down HKU offer. I like HKU, but everybody I talked to said that its MBA program is not as good as CU and UST.

All of those schools keep asking people to put money in their account in April. Isn't it a bit early for a class that will not started until August. I believe it is their technique to lock you in.

HKUST....when will you give me your reply?


Simple said...

You may contact the registry of HKUST and ask for the status of your application. I think they might have lots of applicants.

HKCU is not bad choice for a MBA.

Joel said...

Sent them email already lu...

One of the candidate I met in the HKU interview said she will go to HKUST.