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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Web App 101 and What is Web 2.0?

If you ever want to build your own Web application and make money out of it, you should read this TechCrunch article first. You need to answer the following three questions:
  1. Who is it aimed at?
  2. Why will they use it?
  3. Will they pay for it?
If you are still wondering what Web 2.0 is? Head over here and see read the very funny presentation called "How to bluff your way in Web 2.0". Download PDF Slides and watch the Video.

Monday, March 12, 2007

More FREE courses from UC Berkery and MIT.

Great news to those who want to learn on their own! UC Berkery releases a set of videos and podcasts for some of their classes. I am particular interested in the Intro to Statistics class. I never thought Statistics is that useful until I started my MBA study. I will probably go through some of those video to refresh my memory in the subject.

On a related note, MIT will offer 1,800 of their courses free online by the end of the year for people to self-study.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


After so many years, I finally purchased I didn't think it is useful until I start writing blog. Right now it is doing a forward to Hopefully in the future I could have my own blog system installed and host somewhere.

Or I could simply use Google Apps to have my own email address using Gmail. Nice!