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Tuesday, May 30, 2006



  1. 香港人(或中國人)吵架到將會打架也沒有人會出聲, 聽說在外國有一個國家(好像是英國)有一條法律說人們如果看見罪行發生而不去幫忙, 政府有權告你的。
  2. 人們在外的一舉一動也會被人看到, 或許這件事會令香港變成一個懂以禮待人的城市呢!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

VS.NET 2005, C# and Resharper

I have been using IntelliJ IDEA for a long time and I am a big fan of it. I am playing with VisualStudio 2005 and C# today and found out that it is really a big pain to switch IDE. I than goto the JetBrains website and download their VS.NET Add-in product called ReSharper. I am very happy to find out that most of the IDEA keyboard shortcut are there! I could use "outv" instead of "soutv" to do a println again! And being able to CTRL-click a method name again makes me very happy. Suddenly, life is good again!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Stupid professor and a disgrace to Chinese and UT Austin!

From this news:

"Professor Chen had created the original Hanxin chips simply by grinding away the top surface of some of Motorola's Freescale DSP chips with sandpaper and having them reprinted with the Hanxin logo.... Professor Chen, a 38 year-old who earned his doctorate at the University of Texas at Austin..."

What was this professer thinking?! Did he get a PhD of stupidity and criminality? I also graduated from UT Austin and I still cannot imagine why he could do such a thing that disgrace the Chinese, the univeristy, and all of its alumini!

Regarding Da Vinci Code...

From my friend's blog about the Da Vinci Code Movie and the Vatican:

"Most people do understand the fact that this is a fictional tale written by a comtemporary author and that this film is a commerical artifact produced by Hollywood...A true faith will stand against the strongest temptation from the devil, let alone a blockbuster hit created by Sony Pictures... "

I agree, it is really no big deal. It is what people believe that matters. It is a noval and movie, not documentary!

Is it really such a big deal that Forrest Gump shaked hand with the president in a movie? People should be intelligent enough to think by themselves.

A lot of people actually supports the church of FSM! Ha ha.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Nintendo Old School Business Card Holder

I actually have this fun business card holder shown here. Haven't actually have the chance to use it yet as it doesn't seems to be appropriate in some of my client meeting situation.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Currently Reading: The Business of Software

I am currently reading this book called "The Business of Software". I wish I have discovered it earlier since it certainly makes me understand the software business more. Especially when I got a change to work in different type of software business company: both pure product and consulting.

I only read a couple chapters, but basically it is saying that an hybrid company (doing both product and services) will have a better chance of survival long-term.

Deep down in my heart I like product company more than a pure service company. Anyway, still reading it, so far so good.

Oh My God! PS3 costs USD$600!

I am sure I won't get a PS3 anytime soon. The fact that it costs $599 and the copying of the Wii functionality in its controller makes it a big turn off to me. I think I will buy it only when the price comes down, or when Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out.

I am saving my money for Nintendo Wii. Looking forward to see its E3 press conference tomorrow.