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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Regarding Da Vinci Code...

From my friend's blog about the Da Vinci Code Movie and the Vatican:

"Most people do understand the fact that this is a fictional tale written by a comtemporary author and that this film is a commerical artifact produced by Hollywood...A true faith will stand against the strongest temptation from the devil, let alone a blockbuster hit created by Sony Pictures... "

I agree, it is really no big deal. It is what people believe that matters. It is a noval and movie, not documentary!

Is it really such a big deal that Forrest Gump shaked hand with the president in a movie? People should be intelligent enough to think by themselves.

A lot of people actually supports the church of FSM! Ha ha.


Simple said...

same comment.

Ken Lei said...

Hehe the Flying Spaghetti Monster thing is funny! I wanna get one.

Joel said...

Yes, the FSM is very funny for the intelligence design debate.