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Thursday, December 21, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

A very big battery!

Saw this yesterday in MTR station. Interesting marketing campaign.

Posted by Picasa

Sunday, December 17, 2006

What's the name of the red shirt guy?

While waiting in line in MTR today, I notice the "KILL BILLS" billboard with a couple shooting targets in it. Than I look at the back of the red shirt guy and I am wondering whether his name is "BILL" too. Hee hee.

Asia Game Show 2006

I visited Asia Game Show 2006 today. I think it should be renamed to Sony game Show instead because you cannot find XBOX or Wii in the show at all. There are a couple shops there but the thing they sell are not that interesting.

As of the game itself, I am quit disappointed with PS3. Yes, the games look better, but it is the same game again and again. E.g. GTHD, RR and Devil May Cry. The Gundam game looks terrible as the framerate is really poor. The only game that I am a bit interested are Railfan (a train simulation game with real video footage) and Resistance.

Well, without the games, the only thing to see are the girls. The quality is quite so-so. We went to the show a bit early today so we missed the Cosplay show too. So I didn't take too many picture today.

For $25.....I think it should only worth $5 for the game and $5 for the girls.

Please feel free to visit the photo album.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

[Updated] Oh...poor robot....

I love technology!

But this video show that technology is not 100% reliable. The funny thing is that the girl standing there did nothing after the incident --- she just stand there like a robot. Haha.

Updated: I change the video link and it now contains funny caption written by others.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Software idea and MBA works...

Have a new software idea since last week and I am still thinking a lot on the possibility of turning it into a real thing. Unfortunately, there are too many MBA works at this moment that I cannot spend too much time working on it.

Next week is going to be real~~ fun...... one Econ homework, two Acct homeworks and a Managerial Accounting EXAM!

I am still reading one of the required book, "The Goal". So far I only finished around 80 pages.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

One blog that I visit everyday now.

另類收藏家,建立一個虛擬 Museum is one personal blog that I visit everyday now. It focuses on design around the world. I find it quite interesting. So check it out if you have time.

Monday, November 20, 2006

The Fun of Advertising

I love funny TV Commercials with meaning. My wife and I went to Hong Kong Art Center for the "The Art of Commercials 2006" yesterday and we had a lot of fun watching commercials from Japan and America. The show lasted for an hour and it was packed with funny and very well done Ads. Watching TV ads on a big cinema screen is very different experience from watching it on TV or a monitor. The whole event continues till next month so you will still have chance to check it out. The ticket price is $40/person.

I also purchased the tickets for another show next month. But unfortunately, I may miss the show because of a business trip.

After the show, the bookstore was packed with people.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Chinese language used in newspaper nowsadays

What is wrong with the following sentence appeared in a well known HK newspaper ?

"假 如 你 問 我 , 究 竟 買 一 部 細 如 卡 片 、 具 備 基 本 分 唇 DC 好 , 抑 或 係 一 部 影 相 手 機 較 適 合 影 Snapshot ?"

Yes, the editor used "分唇" (Function) instead of "功能"!!

Even though it is nothing serious, I hope this kind of sound substitution will not pollute youngster's mind.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Funny Joke.....who would you rather be?

Found this on the internet:

A man flying in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. Reducing altitude, he spotted a man on the ground and descended to shouting range..

"Excuse me," he shouted. "Can you help me? I promised my friend I would meet him a half hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

The man below responded: "Yes. You are in a hot air balloon, hovering approximately 30 feet above this field. You are between 40 and 42 degrees North Latitude, and between 58 and 60 degrees West Longitude."

"You must be an engineer," responded the balloonist.

"I am," the man replied. "How did you know?"

"Well," said the balloonist, "everything you have told me is technically correct, but I have no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I am still lost."

Whereupon the man on the ground responded, "You must be a manager."

"That I am" replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are, or where you're going. You have made a promise which you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. The fact is, you are in the exact same position you were before we met, but now it is somehow my fault."

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Saturday, September 09, 2006

F for Feeling

I was watching "V for Vendetta" and I found the following screenshots really matched my post yesterday. What a coincident!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Thoughts on Apple's Secret Ingredient

Read a short article on Apple's Secret Ingredient.
"I think the key is, simply, fearlessness. Over and over again, they choose something that feels right and they pursue until it either succeeds or is no longer interesting. It's intuition."
I think it may only works well if the big boss "feels" the same in a company. It is pretty difficult for lower level people to justify any projects that just "feels" right to keep doing until for no up-front major benefits.

I think Apple's secret(Or not so secret) ingredients are really Steve's insistent on simplicity and industrial design. We like its product because it is "Cool" to have, not necessary the best features.

Still no built-in FM in iPod.... :(

Friday, September 01, 2006

Which American Cities That Best Fits You.....

Saw this in my brother's blog and decided to give it a try. So what best fits me??

It is AUSTIN!! The place where I spent around 5 years of my life living in! What a match!

American Cities That Best Fit You::
55% Austin
50% Atlanta
50% Honolulu
50% Las Vegas
50% Miami

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Ranking is funny

Yes, ranking is funny. See the following:

Newsweek Top 100 Global Universities:
27. University of Texas at Austin

The Top 100 Global Universities - Newsweek: International Editions

And at the same time...

U of Texas-Austin tops party school list

BTW, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology is number 60 in the newseek list.

Actual lessons from Kiko

Kiko just sold their business using eBay and they posted the lessons they learned regarding their business. A good read.

Actual lessons from Kiko

Doraemon Air Gun Toy

This is definitely a cool Doraemon toy that I really want to own! I want it NOW!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

HKUST RP and ELP completed!

Finally finished both UST's Residential and Experience Learning Program (Total 5 days). I certainly learned a lot from the last two weeks. Especially in team work and management issues because I usually work alone in my company.

In RP, we were asked to work on many different assignments and presentations within three days. We learned things like better decision, team work, etc. We worked so hard that we didn't even get enough sleep at all.

In ELP, we learned through experience. I think we should better call it situational simulation. We need to push our limit by performing physical and psychological demanding activities. It made us think more on personal potential and risk taking. We found out that time management and role definition are very very important for every tasks.

The RLP and ELP definitely help because I am taking on a more leadership role in some of the coming work assignments and I believe I am more equipped to handle them.

If you want to see some photos of our team and us, please go to our team blog! Thanks Joseph for putting that up.

Finally, I would like to thank every single one in our team for their effort and support. Without you we cannot made it. I really value their feedbacks because only through feedbacks I could know what to improve. THANKS!!

Windows Lives Writer Beta

I tested the Windows Lives Writer blogger application and I really like it. It contains many tools to make your blog interesting. Unfortunately, it doesn't seems to support image posting for blogger.


Hey Google, please makes a similar posting software, otherwise people may switch to Windows Live Spaces instead.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Krispy Kreme in Hong Kong and its marketing act

While walking on the street in Causeway Bay last Saturday, we saw people holding boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts. I was very excited because I have a lot of great memorize with Krispy Kreme in the US.

So we actually looked for the store and prepare to buy a box of original taste. We found out that there was a very long line standing in front of it. The reason? Krispy Kreme was giving out FREE boxes of donuts. So we stand in line too because I was very hungry. We didn't get a whole box eventually, but I was happy with three free donuts.

It certainly generated a lot of attention on that day. However, from a marketing point of view, it is hard to know whether this is really successfully. We actually think that the act will generate bad publicity instead, mostly based on the following two points:

1) The FREE donuts that was given out was COLD. So people in the line does not experience the taste of a fresh and hot Krispy Kreme dount that it is famous of.
2 ) The coldness of the donuts makes it sweeter. Chinese doesn't like food that is too sweet.

So the donuts were too sweet and cold. If this is my first KK experience, I will not tell other to buy it.

Having said that, maybe it is not a fully planned marketing event after all. As they were having a private party on that day. The donuts that were given out were probably leave-overs.

Anyway, I will still go to KK for its Hot and Fresh original donuts. But I highly doubt I will buy a whole box again like I was in US.

I do hope it is successfully in HK. Maybe Wan Chi or Central is a better place for the store? There are probably more foreign worker wanting donut as breakfast.

Friday, August 04, 2006

What?! Stupid Design in Japan!

I took this picture from one of the hotel room in Osaka, Japan. Did you notice the light switch on the right? What did you see? Yes! There is an electric outlet right under the white button.

So what's the big deal? Imagine that you have just finished using the wash your hand.....go out......missed the button and.....zzZZZAAAPPPP!!!

Of course, you need to have a small finger to actually get eletrocuted. But didn't you mom always ask you not to put your finger in an electric outlet??

I never thought I would see this kind of thing in Japan! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Testing Meebome Chat Widget

I am testing the meebome chat widge in my blog. Just look at the right column and find it. I may be online and feel free to chat with me. Unfortunately, it requires me to login to the meebo site.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

[Java Tips] How to convert between different Unicode and Chinese character sets with only 3 clicks!!!

I was given a task to add simplified Chinese support for an existing application yesterday. I talked to myself: "It isn't that bad, I just need to create another ResourceBundle file in Simplified Chinese". Than I notice that the current Traditional Chinese ResourceBundle file contain HTML Unicode data, not Java Unicode. That means I cannot use the JDK's native2ascii tool to convert it back. Does it mean that I have to type all those texts in simplified Chinese all over again?? I talked to myself:" This is insane! I am not going to sit here all day and re-type the whole thing in HTML Unicode simplified Chinese!".

I decided to find ways to make my life easier. And this is the steps that I took to do it.

Before the start of the process, install Alibabar to your IE. I have this installed long ago already. It will add the following toolbar to your IE.

1) Goto this Unicode converter page. (Works in IE only)
2) Select HTML Unicode on the top menu, you could also use java Unicode, depending on your needs.
3) Copy and past the traditional Chinese resource bundle data to the lower left text box, than click the "Decimal Code to Characters" button under it.
4) You will see the original data on the top textbox. For me, I saw the original Traditional Chinese Characters.
5) Remember Alibabar? Now click the "Simplified Chinese" button in the Alibabar toolbar. This will convert exiting traditional Chinese data to simplified Chinese. Just like magic!!!
6) Click the "Characters to Dex, Hex Codes" button. Viola! You will see the converted text in the lower text box again! It is now in HTML Unicode formatted Simplified Chinese! No need to retype all of these!

Hope this tips help you in dealing with language convert for Java or other applications.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Free call to HK landline and mobile

Gizmo is offering free phone call from other country to Hong Kong for free, even landline and mobile number.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

My name is getting less popular...

...what about yours? Find it out here


十天的大旅行過後, 又要面對種種的煩惱: 錢, 工作, 人事等。這數天的心情都不大好。要快點回復狀態才行。

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Back from the trip.

I am now back to Hong Kong. I didn't have internet access for the last week so I didn't get a chance to check email or post anything. Anyway, I will post some of my travel experience here in the future.

It was a wonderful trip, I wish I have more money to travel more!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Japan Trip Day 2.

Went to Tokyo DisneySea today and it is a lot more fun than I expected! The shows are fun, the games are cool and I had a wonderful time with my wife. I am glad that it didn't rain for most of the day. The final show is great and if people tell you that DisneySea is not fun, don't listen to them!

We also had Mos Burger for late meal and the burger tasted very very good! I orodered this and my wife like it soooo much that she want to go and order this again in the next few days.

Since I don't have my computer with me, I am using a computer in an internet cafe.

Let's see whether I could stay up and watch World Cup tonight.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Windows Mobile 5...

As a long term PalmOS users, I tried to swtich to PPC once by buying a HP 4700 PDA. I was so frustrated with it and sold it for a lost later and got a Treo 650 instead. Life is good!

The funny thing is that for some funny reasons, my wife is using a Gigabyte PDA TV phone with Windows Mobile 5 now. The Windows Mobile OS has improved a lot compared to the HP4700, but I don't think I will switch to Windows Mobile just yet. I still like Palm's simplicity and speed. Given that she is using WM, I have to become the de facto WM support guy at home and has to get familiar with WM again...

Hopefully the WM5 version of the Missing Sync software will be released soon so she could sync her data to the phone on her mac.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Funny Game TV Ads.

A list of weird game tv ads. I think the Legend of Zelda one is strangest! These also bring back the old memoy......oh the Nintendo Disc System!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Code Monkey Song

All developers should listen to this Code Monkey song (Direct MP3 Download Here). It is so funny....and true! We all have similar experience while being a developers. :)

Lyric below:

Code Monkey by Jonathan Coulton

Code Monkey get up get coffee
Code Monkey go to job
Code monkey have boring meeting, boring manager Rob
Rob say Code Monkey very diligent
But his output stink
His code not functional or elegant
What do Code Monkey think
Code Monkey think maybe manager wanna write goddamn login page himself (Best line in the song! Haha!)
Code Monkey not say it out loud
Code Monkey not crazy just proud
Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
Big warm fuzzy secret heart
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey hang around at front desk
Tell you sweater look nice
Code Monkey offer buy you soda
Bring you cup bring you ice
You say no thank you for the soda ’cause
Soda make you fat
Anyway you busy with the telephone
No time for chat
Code Monkey have long walk back to cubicle
He sit down pretend to work
Code Monkey not thinking so straight
Code Monkey not feeling so great
Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
Big warm fuzzy secret heart
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you lots
Code Monkey have every reason
To get out this place
Code Monkey just keep on working
See your soft pretty face
Much rather wake up eat a coffee cake
Take bath, take nap
This job fulfilling in creative way
Such a load of crap
Code Monkey think someday he have everything even pretty girl like you
Code Monkey just waiting for now
Code Monkey say someday, somehow
Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
with big warm fuzzy secret heart
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you

Tuesday, May 30, 2006



  1. 香港人(或中國人)吵架到將會打架也沒有人會出聲, 聽說在外國有一個國家(好像是英國)有一條法律說人們如果看見罪行發生而不去幫忙, 政府有權告你的。
  2. 人們在外的一舉一動也會被人看到, 或許這件事會令香港變成一個懂以禮待人的城市呢!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

VS.NET 2005, C# and Resharper

I have been using IntelliJ IDEA for a long time and I am a big fan of it. I am playing with VisualStudio 2005 and C# today and found out that it is really a big pain to switch IDE. I than goto the JetBrains website and download their VS.NET Add-in product called ReSharper. I am very happy to find out that most of the IDEA keyboard shortcut are there! I could use "outv" instead of "soutv" to do a println again! And being able to CTRL-click a method name again makes me very happy. Suddenly, life is good again!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Stupid professor and a disgrace to Chinese and UT Austin!

From this news:

"Professor Chen had created the original Hanxin chips simply by grinding away the top surface of some of Motorola's Freescale DSP chips with sandpaper and having them reprinted with the Hanxin logo.... Professor Chen, a 38 year-old who earned his doctorate at the University of Texas at Austin..."

What was this professer thinking?! Did he get a PhD of stupidity and criminality? I also graduated from UT Austin and I still cannot imagine why he could do such a thing that disgrace the Chinese, the univeristy, and all of its alumini!

Regarding Da Vinci Code...

From my friend's blog about the Da Vinci Code Movie and the Vatican:

"Most people do understand the fact that this is a fictional tale written by a comtemporary author and that this film is a commerical artifact produced by Hollywood...A true faith will stand against the strongest temptation from the devil, let alone a blockbuster hit created by Sony Pictures... "

I agree, it is really no big deal. It is what people believe that matters. It is a noval and movie, not documentary!

Is it really such a big deal that Forrest Gump shaked hand with the president in a movie? People should be intelligent enough to think by themselves.

A lot of people actually supports the church of FSM! Ha ha.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Nintendo Old School Business Card Holder

I actually have this fun business card holder shown here. Haven't actually have the chance to use it yet as it doesn't seems to be appropriate in some of my client meeting situation.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Currently Reading: The Business of Software

I am currently reading this book called "The Business of Software". I wish I have discovered it earlier since it certainly makes me understand the software business more. Especially when I got a change to work in different type of software business company: both pure product and consulting.

I only read a couple chapters, but basically it is saying that an hybrid company (doing both product and services) will have a better chance of survival long-term.

Deep down in my heart I like product company more than a pure service company. Anyway, still reading it, so far so good.

Oh My God! PS3 costs USD$600!

I am sure I won't get a PS3 anytime soon. The fact that it costs $599 and the copying of the Wii functionality in its controller makes it a big turn off to me. I think I will buy it only when the price comes down, or when Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out.

I am saving my money for Nintendo Wii. Looking forward to see its E3 press conference tomorrow.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

IE "Whee..."

This is so funny! Beside Nintendo "Wii" (Wee), there is also IE "Whee"...

Click the following icon to watch.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Nintendo Wii?!

The Nintendo console that I am waiting for, previous called "Revolution", just got a new name "Wii" (sounds like "we"). For more information, visit the nintendo site.

I don't understand why people start to name everything with "ii". Intel got "Viiv" and now we have "Wii". It just confusion people a lot. I finally understand their reasoning of it after reading the description. However, shouldn't they name the system so people know what it means immediately, without a long explaination??

Nevertheless, I am going to get the system when it comes out. I will get used to the strange name soon.

Friday, April 21, 2006

My Final MBA School Decision

I am going to accept the offer from HKUST for the Dual-Degree program. Going to different interviews was an interesting experience.

I really want to thank everyone who support me during this application period. Thanks my mom, my brother, my best friend Pazu. Thanks Jim and Howan for their help in writing the reference letter. Also thanks Chris, Lewis and other colleagues for supporting my decision as well. And special thanks to my wife, who gave her 110% support and encouragement to me in my quest for MBA study.

Three years of hard work(or, challenges :> ) is coming....

HKUST Offer!

Finally an answer from HKUST! And it is a very good news!!

Dear Joel

Greetings from XXXXX taking care of admissions from HKUST MBA
program. Thank you for joining us for the interview,
On behalf of our admissions committee, I am most pleased to
inform you that you are admitted to our part-time
Dual Degree MBA & MScISM program starting August 2006.

As per our schedule, we shall send out the admissions offer package to
you in April 2006. If you accept the admission offer, you are requested
to return the signed acceptance of offer with a deposit of HK$XX,XXX
to us.

The program fees for August 2006 intake is proposed to be around
HKDXXX,XXX for completing the part-time MBA & MScISM program. The proposed
fee is subject to university's approval. You will find more detailed
information from the admissions package.

Congratulations! We are glad to have you joining us! In the meantime if
you have any questions or anything I could help, please let me know.

I look forward to seeing you in coming summer!

Thanks and Regards

MBA Program Office
HKUST Business School
The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon

Thursday, April 20, 2006

7pm and no reply....

Still no reply from HKUST....

CUHK....I am coming soon la.....!!

ok HKUST...I will give you half more day tmr.

HKUST interview session.

Went to HKUST for the first time yesterday. I heard that the whole school has wifi coverage so I started up my notebook to give it a try. Unfortunately, it asks for username and password as it is for the school student only. Bummer....

Interestingly, one of the feeling I got when I reached the campus is that it reminds me of University of Macau. Yes, I know they are totally different, but there is a view that just looks familiar to me....the red circle area is the library and there is a big opening in the middle that I could look outside. And I haven't been to UofM for, I believe, more than ten years lu.

So what about the interview? It is a face-to-face interview, no group discussion. Two ladies interviewed me for about a little bit more than 30 minutes. It asked some questions about my current position, my plan, etc. They also asked some difficult questions, like "We already have a lot of IT applicants, why do we need to take another one?". I could come up with many good answers to this question now, but at that time, my brain went dead for a second. I think I showed them my motivation and I am committed to the study. However, I don't think I got a really high mark that they will take me immediately. Afterall, they will think that "he already got the CU offer, it doesn't hurt him if we reject him".

I am glad that I could at least have a chance to talk to them. It lets me re-evaluate my more after the interview.

Let's see whether I will hear anything from them today. Otherwise, I will have to act quickly and complete the CU registration (and pay them immediately :< )

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Sir/ need to take a rest...

Due to my eye condition, my wife is asking me to install software that could force me to take a break from the computer and rest my eyes and my arms.

There are many softwares that does this, and I love this FREE one called Workwave. Basically, it will lock your keyboard and mouse from time to time to force you to take a rest.

Install it! Try it and save your eyes/body. Sorry, no Mac Version yet.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

About "How to create the $1,000,000 software idea"

Just saw this post here about how to create the $1,000,000 software ideas. Most of them are good but the rule about dropping the idea if it costs less than $99 is arguable. The one who did WinZip must have made millions. If there is a need and the user base is large enough, I believe it should be ok.

I am searching for my own $1,000,000 software idea too. Any cool ideas?

Thanks for your comments!

I really want to thanks everyone who gave me advice and comment in my search for the right MBA school.

T H A N K S   A   M I L L I O N !!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

HKUST interview date and time set

April 19th 12p. Will let you guys know what happened later.

HKUST Interview soon...

I am happy to recieve a call from HKUST for an interview scheduled on April 19th. However, the company is going to have a presentation for a client on that day and my boss is asking me to change the schedule. Hopefully it will work out ok because I really want to go to UST. CU is good, but it lacks any good IT course. It is focusing on finance and marketing a lot more than IT. Although I am already working in this industry, I don't want to advance my study on this area more.

This good news also leads to a headache. CUHK's deadline is April 21th and it is saying that if I don't pay the non-refundable money on that day, it will withdraw the admission.

Headache!!! I should have applied UST in the 2nd batch. Now I am facing this uncentainty. :(

Suggestion anyone???

Saturday, April 08, 2006

CUHK Offer!

Got the following email from CUHK today!


Dear Mr. Yen,

Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that you are offered admission to Weekend MBA Programme in the academic year of 2006-07.

We will send you the official acceptance pack in due course. If you wish to accept this offer of admission, kindly pay the fees of HKDXXXXX by April 21, 2006. Please also follow the procedures stipulated in the acceptance pack. The Pre-term course is scheduled to begin on Friday, August 11, 2006.


I should have applied HKUST earlier. I still haven't received any interview information from it yet. Because of the CUHK offer, I will turn down HKU offer. I like HKU, but everybody I talked to said that its MBA program is not as good as CU and UST.

All of those schools keep asking people to put money in their account in April. Isn't it a bit early for a class that will not started until August. I believe it is their technique to lock you in.

HKUST....when will you give me your reply?

Friday, April 07, 2006

For Dummies Book Cover Generator!

How Bill Gates Work.

CNN has an article about how Bill works in the office. Am I the only one who feel like reading a long Microsoft advertisement? Anyway, I like the three monitors idea, if only I could afford them.

Monday, April 03, 2006

My eyes are recovering

Want to let all my friends know that I have recovered from my eye problems a lot. I don't see any darker area anymore. The doctor said if it gets even better this week, I don't need to see him again. :)

CU MBA Interview

The CU Interview went ok, but not great for me this time. It was also a group discussion with three different people from different industries. Instead of a case study, we were given a topic to discuss on our own. Since the topic was about HK Education System, I was not in the best position to discuss all the pro and cons. And the candidates are a lot stronger than the HKU, I guess most people will not even try HKU at all.

Cross my fingers...

Thursday, March 30, 2006


HKU sent me an email saying that I am accepted for their MBA program. Howerver, my heart still goes to HKUST at this moment....dual degrees is very attractive.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Second MBA interview is coming.

Got an invitation for a MBA Interview from CUHK. The scheduled date is March 31. I hope my last interview experience could help me do even better this time.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

HKU MBA Interview

Went to HKU MBA Interview yesterday. I wasn't too worry because HKU was not my first choice.

It was a group discussion. We were given a case study to read for around 30 minutes. Than we went to a room for the real discussion. We were expecting questions from the professors. However, it tuned out that they will only observe our discussion with no questions asked. The discussion was conduct in english. I think I did OK, compared to others.

Anyway, since HKU is pretty new to the MBA program, they did a very good job to perform interview earlier than other univeristy.

I also found out that some people don't even have GMAT taken yet!! If I know this I would have applied early.

Friday, February 24, 2006

How to be nagged automatically....

FYI, I have used this service to send me reminders on GMAT study every two days. It works!



完成GMAT, 多謝各界支持!




P.S. I would like to thank my mom for all of her supports as well!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

One more funny concert picture!

 Posted by Picasa


今天和老婆去了看李克勤演唱會, 都算唔錯。不過如果冇阿旺出場會更好。我送俾老婆部Fujifilm F10都發揮了它ISO1600的威力。相片的noise都ok。如果我有帶我爸爸的Pro1我就可以比較它們在不夠光的拍攝能力。





而今次的嘉賓是阿倫, 唱了一首"小風波"。


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Year of Dog.

I took this dog picture on the street with a borrowed Canon Pro1 camera from my father. Wish you all a happy chinese new year. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The sound of horror

For all computer users, these are the most horrible sounds you could ever heard. Unfortunately, I have experienced one of them before...

Opera Mini

I have a Palm Treo 650 phone and I have been using its built-in web browser for awhile. I checked out the latest Opera Mini Edition today and I am amazed that it is so much faster! And the cool thing is that it is written in Java!! Finally a J2ME app that I will use!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


很久沒有update了...工作真的忙得很。回家後也要抽時間study GMAT,真累。還有一個月的時間就要考GMAT了,要花更大的努力才行。可是今年能報名的機會不太高,但是我已經set了目標,為下一年度努力。

香港大學, 中文大學和科技大學,那一間才是最好的呢?

Monday, January 09, 2006

NDS Browser 很不錯!!

I am posting this entry with the NDS browser, which my wife bought it for me as a gift. I like it better than the PSP Browser.


Sunday, January 01, 2006




