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Thursday, April 13, 2006

HKUST Interview soon...

I am happy to recieve a call from HKUST for an interview scheduled on April 19th. However, the company is going to have a presentation for a client on that day and my boss is asking me to change the schedule. Hopefully it will work out ok because I really want to go to UST. CU is good, but it lacks any good IT course. It is focusing on finance and marketing a lot more than IT. Although I am already working in this industry, I don't want to advance my study on this area more.

This good news also leads to a headache. CUHK's deadline is April 21th and it is saying that if I don't pay the non-refundable money on that day, it will withdraw the admission.

Headache!!! I should have applied UST in the 2nd batch. Now I am facing this uncentainty. :(

Suggestion anyone???


Simple said...


1)CUHK的MBA ranking 比HKUST好好多;
2)你在HKUST將會學到的IT 知識相信不會是你所期望的,而且你對IT已有一定學識,再拘泥於這一科並不太有意思;
3)讀MBA就梗係focus on management, finance and marketing 喇,有good IT course 把鬼咩!你不如修讀Master of IT!?MBA就係咁架喇;
4)在學費上看似比多少少就有多個degree,但你要衝量你所須要付出的時間,二年讀一個degree同三年讀兩個degrees,你估下兩個degrees會辛苦幾多?三年內要讀完所有科目,你唔駛指意有時間陪你位lovely老婆,be reality;


Anonymous said...

小弟到衣一刻為止仍然係看淡 IT 界... 對,你己有很好的 IT 知識,現在好應該向多方面發展 lor...