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Friday, April 28, 2006

Nintendo Wii?!

The Nintendo console that I am waiting for, previous called "Revolution", just got a new name "Wii" (sounds like "we"). For more information, visit the nintendo site.

I don't understand why people start to name everything with "ii". Intel got "Viiv" and now we have "Wii". It just confusion people a lot. I finally understand their reasoning of it after reading the description. However, shouldn't they name the system so people know what it means immediately, without a long explaination??

Nevertheless, I am going to get the system when it comes out. I will get used to the strange name soon.

1 comment:

Ken Lei said...

Nintendo has a new console coming out? I am totally unaware of it. What's the spec like? Can it rival Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's PS3?