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Friday, May 15, 2009

Punch Party HK 2 - Great Experience

I attended the my first Punch Party HK today. It was a wonderful gathering.

This time the topics are mostly IT centric, with talks about BBS, PALM, NEWSGROUP, etc. Since I didn't grow up here in HK, there are certain newsgroup and BBS that I wasn't familiar with. However, I am old enough to experience BBS using software like Telix.

I feel the most when the presenter talks about Palm since I used to own many PalmOS products, including Palm 3, Palm V, Sony Clie N760C, Sony NX70V and Treo 650. I also upgraded my Palm V to 8MB as well. It is fun to see that presentation on ram upgrade.

Overall, I really glad I signed up for it. Looking forward to PPHK3.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Firefox extensions that I installed lately

With so many new browsers like Safari and Chrome, I still like Firefox mainly because of its extension. It is because the other browsers lack the "smart drag and drop" feature. This feature lets you just drag and link and open it in a new background tab. Currently I am using the Easy Dragtogo plugin with Firefox 3.1 beta.

I am also playing with a plugin called AutoPager. This plugin will auto load the next page when you reach the end of current page. It is particular useful when using with Google.

What Firefox plugin do you use?